I'm going to try and show you through pictures and step-by-step instructions how I managed to set up a server for YSF. In another gaming forum someone did a similar tutorial which gave me the right idea and I eventually managed to make it work.
I have a modem that connects to a wireless router. As a result I have to open port 7915 in the modem through to the router and connect it to my personal computer IP address.
Modem is the iConnect 621
Router is the DLink DI-524 Wireless Router.
Opening the Router
My router is an Open iConnect 621, to get to this router’s menu I must type in its IP address into the web browser (IE, Fire fox, Chrome etc....). In this case, it is (I found this out by Google-ing my router model)
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A username screen came up, enter your details (again, default can be found on the internet through a Google search on the model)
The Router
The main menu screen will appear. What you want to look for is something similar to ADVANCED or TOOLS, this will show another menu leading to portforwarding.
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In my case, it is ADVANCED. Click it.
Another menu will appear. My router is simple in that it gives me the option straight away, look for a menu called PORT FOWARDING.
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Port Forwarding
Ok, in my setup: The LAN IP is the IP Address of my WIRELESS ROUTER. By port forwarding 7915 from the internet to, it opens a portal to the router. To port forward at this stage is simple.
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1) User button -> NEW
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2) RULE NAME: For me, YSF
Protocol: TCP (for me, may be different for you)
PORT END: 7915
PORT MAP: 7915
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3) Apply, then Cancel.
4) YSF2 will appear in the available rules list.
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5) Click on it, then the ADD Button.
6) It will now appear in the applied rules list. This means that the port 7915 is open to the internet, directing traffic to address
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Close the Modem menu.
Wireless Router
For me to access the router the IP address in the browser is (This will be different for every computer/network setup)
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Fill in the username and password again
The main menu will appear.
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Now have a look around for a menu with PORT FORWARDING, ADVANCED, VIRTUAL SERVER etc... For me, I go to ADVANCED again.
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What we will now do is give the router permission to allow internet users to pass through the router onto the personal computer, YSF Server.
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Fill in the details, for me:
PRIVATE IP: (THIS IS AN IMPORTANT DETAIL! A private IP is the IP Address of your computer on a server. This is, however easy to find:
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Type: ipconfig
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A large amount of data may appear depending on your connections, etc.... What you want to find is the IPv4 Address: on this computer it is, my YSF Server computer is hence the reason I put 10 in the PRIVATE IP box.)
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Click Apply
Modem Firewall
What we will now do is allow the modem firewall to allow traffic form the port 7915 through the router. (This may not be important for your modem, again, your discretion)
Firewall – Fill in the details
SOURCE: LAN – IP: (Personal IP)
DESTINATION: WAN – IP: (Modem) END IP: My External IP Address.
PROTOCOL: TCP (remember from the modem menu?)
SCHEDULE: Always (Always working)
(Click for larger image)
Once happy, click apply.
Computer Firewall
The last thing is to make sure you have allowed the program YSFLIGHT or the PORT 7915 through your personal, computer firewall. This was what stumped me last time. As there are so many different version of firewalls I can’t give exact instructions. Try using google to search for “open port in firewall” etc...
Don’t know how to check to see if it worked? Here are the steps.
1) Run the YSF Console Server
2) Choose map, run it.
3) When it finishes loading and says that the server is up, an IP should appear. This is what YOUhave to use to join the server, not YOURexternal IP.
4) With YSF Running, open http://www.canyouseeme.org. This is a port checking site, your external IP will appear in the Your IP: position.
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5) Type the port 7915 into the box and hit check. As you hit check, see the console server window. It should load some information meaning that you have been pinged. This means that you have correctly forwarded the port 7915 and people will be able to join your server.
1) Is your firewall letting the program through?
2) Did you forward 7915 correctly? Visit http://www.portforward.com and select your router from the list, it may have information about how to forward port specifically for tht modem.
3) Is the YSF server running? It won’t appear otherwise.
4) Is YSF running on port 7915?
More Information:
http://www.google.com - Google is your friend, use it to see if anyone else is having similar issues to you.
http://www.portforward.com - Excellent information on almost every modem/router including details on how to portforward.
http://www.canyouseeme.org - Great port checker.
http://www.dyndns.org - Create a free account. Allows you to create a new IP Address (eg: olympusfs.dyndns.org, cvw171.dyndns.org etc...)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcOAsV4DD0w - Great Youtube tutorial created by Omnipresent, shows step-by-step details.
Always remember to check your products website, more than often they will have dedicated FAQ's and tutorials for your particular modem. (Google it)