Lots of coding done today, at least 10 hours worth.
First, I finished up the unit conversion library. Then...
Built my .DAT file management library. It's easy to work with and expand if I need, or edit...
Current code test and example using so far:
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var file = new File(@"./TESTING.DAT");
var hasAfterBurner = new AFTBURNR(true);
//TODO: Need to add save/load code for DAT Files!
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public class AFTBURNR : DAT_Bool
public AFTBURNR(bool value) : base("AFTBURNR", value)
Another one that's a bit more complex:
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public class EXCAMERA : DAT_DescriptiveOrientation3
public EXCAMERA(string name, Length x, Length y, Length z, Angle h, Angle p, Angle b) : base("EXCAMERA", name,x,y,z,h,p,b)
More work to come, but we're steaming ahead while producing a fully featured and extendable/reusable library. For example, DATFiles implement the CommandFile class which defines how commands and their parameters are laid out in the file - I can re-use CommandFile for DNM's, SRF's... etc.