IDENTIFY "F-16C_FIGHTINGFALCON" - The in-game name of the aircraft (YSFlight only recognizes the first 32 characters in the IDENTIFY string. If you have multiple aircraft where the IDENTIFY string is identical on the first 32 characters, YSFlight will load the same aircraft with the same name it first encountered in all the air*.lst files combined.)
SUBSTNAM F-18C_HORNET - The name of any plane (in the .dat) can go here. The plane chosen will substitute the grey, block plane that is generated when a unknown (client side) plane is flown on a server. Because of this, it is best to use stock aircraft otherwise the client may not have the chosen plane - more or less defeating the purpose.
CATEGORY FIGHTER - CATEGORY states what heading it will appear under (eg. WW2, CIVILIAN, etc. See below in general comments for the categories available.)
AFTBURNR TRUE/FALSE - Does the aircraft have an afterburner?
THRAFTBN 20t - The amount of trust that the afterburner produces at full power (RED IN YSF). Units accepted: t (metric tons), lb (pounds), kg (kilograms)
THRMILIT 12t - The amount of thrust that the military power produces at full power (GREEN IN YSF)
THRSTREV 0.0 - How efficient the reverse thrust is (what fraction of maximum military thrust the engine can produce in reverse).
PROPELLR 1000HP - Power of the engine. Thrust (kg) = 196.85 * PROPEFCY * PROPELLR / PROPVMIN
PROPEFCY 0.7 - How much of the PROPELLR power is useful for thrust? Default 0.7 if variable not present
PROPVMIN 30m/s - Affects the thrust to airspeed curve. Lower = higher thrust when stopped, higher = higher thrust at speed. Default 30m/s if variable not present
WEIGHCLN 10t - The weight of the model when it is empty (no fuel, missles, guns or flares)
WEIGFUEL 5t - The weight of the fuel, when the tank is at 100%. This influences an aircraft's inertia (acceleration, deceleration, and energy change with altitude), but not lift (as lift characteristics are defined with full fuel, this weight factors out).
WEIGLOAD 4t - The weight of the payload (missles and bombs). No longer used by YS.
FUELABRN 2.5kg - The amount of fuel consumed per second with full afterburner. Can be set to kg, lb, or t. (In this case, the F-16 uses 2.5kg of its 1900kg tank every second with full afterburner)
FUELMILI 0.2kg - The amount of fuel consumed per second at full military power (100% throttle, no afterburner). Can be set to kg, lb, or t. (In this case, the F-16 uses 0.2kg of its 1900kg fuel tank every second with full military power.)
COCKPITP 0.0m 0.0m 0.0m - States the position (X, Y, Z) of the 'cockpit' when in the game. This is the position when you press F1, the main viewing camera.
EXCAMERA "NAME" 0.0m 0.0m 0.0m 0deg 0deg 0deg - States the position (X, Y, Z) and angle (X, Y, Z) of additional view points in the game. This is the position when you press F1 again, another view point.
INSTPANL .../ - The file name of a custom instrument panel.
ISPNLPOS 0m 0m 0m - Position (X, Y, Z) of the custom instument panel
ISPNLSCL 0.00 - Scaling factor for the panel. Adjust it to make the entire panel look larger/smaller.
ISPNLATT 0deg 0deg 0deg - angle of the instrument panel - used to tilt the panel to the same angle as a cockpit dashboard.
Read: how to make and align custom instrument panels.
COCKPITA 0deg -3deg 0deg - default cockpit angle (left/right, up/down, roll)
SCRNCNTR 0.0 0.0 - The position of the viewpoint relative to the center of the viewport. To explain this, sitting in front of your computer, hold up a piece of paper in front of you. The area covered by that piece of paper is the viewport - the window which you see from the cockpit in YSFlight. Now keep your head and your eyes at the same spot, but move that piece of paper around. Your viewpoint (i.e. your eyes) has not moved, but the viewport is moving. A positive Y value (X, Y) means the view point is above the centre of the viewport, which is the same has having the viewport moved downwards. This is useful in giving you more view area below - i.e. inside the cockpit - and lets you display the instruments larger without having them going off the bottom of the window.
LEFTGEAR 0.0m 0.0m 0.0m - The position (X, Y, Z) of the left gear
RIGHGEAR 0.0m 0.0m 0.0m - The position (X, Y, Z) of the left gear
WHELGEAR 0.0m 0.0m 0.0m - The position (X, Y, Z) of the nose/tail gear
ARRESTER 0.0m 0.0m 0.0m - The position (X, Y, Z) of the arrester hook for carrier landing
MACHNGUN 0.0m 0.0m 0.0m - The position (X, Y, Z) of the machine gun, where the bullets originate from.
MACHNGN2 0.0m 0.0m 0.0m - The position (X, Y, Z) of the second machine gun. Up to eight can be added by changing 2 to 3 etc...
GUNINTVL 0.00 - The number of seconds between each shot. Defaults to 0.075 if not present
GUNDIREC 0.0m 0.0m 0.0m - The direction that bullets will fire (the sum of the three vectors). +X shoots right, -X shoots left. +Y shoots up, -Y shoots down. +Z shoots forward, -Z shoots backward. Setting to 0m 0m 0m shoots directly north or south regardless of aircraft attitude
SMOKEGEN 0.0m 0.0m 0.0m - The position (X, Y, Z) of the smoke generator. Can list up to eight
VAPORPO0 0.0m 0.0m 0.0m - The position (X, Y, Z) of the vapor trail formed at the wingtip for fixed wing aircraft, or when wings are swept forward VGW aircraft (like F-14)
VAPORPO1 0.0m 0.0m 0.0m - The position (X, Y, Z) of the vapor trail formed at the wingtip when wings are swept back
HTRADIUS 0.0m - This is maximum distance(*) from which YSFlight will attempt collision detection. Imagine a sphere centred around your aircraft (centre at 0,0,0) with a radius equals to HTRADIUS. Make sure this sphere is large enough to enclose the entire model, but not so large that YSFlight will be performing unnecessary calculations for collision detection when two objects are far enough apart that collision, with the model, is impossible. Also changes the default camera distance in F8 or F7 view and the switch between visual and coarse models.
Note: YSFlight will not perform collision detection if the distance between object A and object B is greater than the sum of their HTRADIUS.
STALHORN TRUE/FALSE - Enables stall warning sound when true
GEARHORN TRUE/FALSE - Enables landing gear horn when true. Horn sounds when gear is up, flaps are down, and the aircraft is in a descent below 500ft
- Defines which positions the flap will be at when the next flap setting is activated (default keys W and S).
Unused. Refered to the order that weapons appear in game on the weapon list in the 1999 version.
STRENGTH 0 - The strength/health of the aircraft. Defaults to 10 if not set.
CRITAOAP 21deg - The angle of attack at which stall occurs (positive)
CRITAOAM -15deg - The angle of attack at which stall occurs (negative)
CRITSPED 1.2MACH - Determines when the aircraft meets supersonic drag effects - the drag effects aren't simulated, but this value affects the overall acceleration and deceleration of a jet
MAXSPEED 2.0MACH - Has almost no effect. Causes an error if MAXSPEED is less than REFVCRUS
HASSPOIL TRUE/FALSE - Does the aircraft have a spoiler?
RETRGEAR TRUE/FALSE - Does the aircraft have retractable landing gear?
VARGEOMW TRUE/FALSE - Does the aircraft have moveable wings controlled by speed (F-14)?
CLVARGEO 0.0 - The increase in lift when the variable sweep wing is out
CDVARGEO 0.0 - The increase in drag when the variable sweep wing is out.
CLBYFLAP 0.0 - The increase in lift when the flaps are fully deployed
CDBYFLAP 0.0 - The increase in drag when the flaps are fully deployed
CDBYGEAR 0.0 - The increase in drag when the landing gears are deployed.
CDSPOILR 0.0 - The increase in drag when the spoiler is deployed.
VGWSPED1 0kt - Speed at which the variable geometry wings begin to fold.
VGWSPED2 0kt - Speed at which the variable geometry wings fold completely.
TRSTVCTR TRUE/FALSE - Does the model have thrust vectoring capabilities?
TRSTDIR0 0.0m 0.0m 0.0m - The position (X, Y, Z) of the first thrust vectoring variable.
TRSTDIR1 0.0m 1.0m 0.0m - The position (X, Y, Z) of the second thrust vectoring variable.
PSTMPTCH 3deg - Rate of pitch possible post-stall (deg/s)
PSTMYAW 7deg - Rate of yaw possible post-stall (deg/s)
PSTMROLL 3deg - Rate of roll possible post-stall (deg/s)
WINGAREA 30m^2 - Not used by YS to define flight characteristics, but will cause an error if it's not present or 0.
MXIPTAOA 25.0deg - How many degrees upward the aircraft moves at CRITSPEED when the stick is all the way back in one second.
MXIPTSSA 5.0deg - How many degrees of YAW the aircraft moves at CRITSPEED when the stick is hard in one second.
MXIPTROL 360.0deg - How many degrees the aircraft rolls at CRITSPEED when the stick is hard in one second.
REM CPITMANE corresponds to Spring Constant K
REM CPITSTAB corresponds to Damper Constant B
REM To be critically damped, B=2*sqrt(K)
REM 2% Settling Time=??
Note: This is the way the game finds how quickly the aircraft regains neutral attitude in relation to the stability values below (when controls are released/relaxed). These lines are commented, so have no effect on performance.
MANESPD1 0kt - Minimum maneuverable speed while flying.
MANESPD2 0kt - Fully maneuverable speed while flying.
CPITMANE 0.0 - Pitch maneuverability - how fast the jet reacts to pitch input. (note from shutter: Has a dramatic effect on turn performance. The higher it is, the better your turn radius)
CPITSTAB 0.0 - Pitch stability a low pitch stability will tend to rock up and down when elevator is applied. (This affects a number of things. While a higher than 1 value can reduce normal agility, it also gives the aircraft the ability to trim far more aggressively. Be careful with this line to avoid the creation of cheat planes)
CYAWMANE 0.0 - Yaw maneuverability, dictates how responsive the yaw is / how fast it can get to the max imput SSA (side to side action aka yaw)
CYAWSTAB 0.0 - Stability of the yaw. If it's not stable (low value), the aircraft will keep yawing left and right when the rudder is released. High stability yaw means that if you use the rudder, then let go, it'll return straight to neutral
CROLLMAN 0.0 - Roll maneuverability constant - roughly dictates how sensitive / fast the aircraft can roll; low number = slow to react.
CTLLDGEA TRUE/FALSE - Is gear extended when spawning?
CTLBRAKE TRUE/FALSE - Is brake activated when spawning?
CTLSPOIL 0.0 - How much of the spoiler is activated when spawning?
CTLABRNR TRUE/FALSE - Is afterburner on when spawning?
CTLTHROT 0.0 - How much throttle when spawning?
CTLIFLAP 0.0 - How much of the flap is extended when spawning?
CTLINVGW 0.0 - How much the variable geometry wing is retracted when spawning??
CTLATVGW TRUE/FALSE - Is there control over the auto variable geometry wing?
Position 0m 0m 0m - The position of the plane when loaded in the game (***BELIEVED TO BE A NOW DEFUNCT VARIABLE***)
Attitude 0deg 0deg 0deg - (***BELIEVED TO BE A NOW DEFUNCT VARIABLE***)
INITFUEL 75% - Amount of fuel when in the loadout screen in game.
INITLOAD 0.0t - Initial weight of a model's load. Useful to simulate the weight of a passenger or cargo plane
INITSPED 0.0MACH - Initial speed of the model in the game(?). Unknown function.
REM Slots must come before Inits
HRDPOINT -0.893m -1.141m 1.169m B500*2 AGM65*2 AIM120*2 AIM9*2 AIM9X*2 $INTERNAL
HRDPOINT 0.893m -1.141m 1.169m B500*2 AGM65*2 AIM120*2 AIM9*2 AIM9X*2 $INTERNAL
HRDPOINT 0.893m -1.141m 1.169m AIM120*1 $INTERNAL
HRDPOINT -0.893m -1.141m 1.169m AIM120*1 $INTERNAL
HRDPOINT 0m -1.465m 0.675m FUEL&1200
Note: The sets of 3 numbers at first, are of course coordinates in 3d space for that hardpoint (X, Y, Z), followed by information on what weapon can be put on it. The asterix serves to demonstrate the maximum quantity of that given weapon on that hardpoint. $INTERNAL means the weapon is not displayed while flying, generally for bomb bays and such. The quantity of fuel is 800 kilograms by default, but can be changed to a custom value with &***, in this example being 1200 kilograms. External fuel units are always kg, regardless of other units used elsewhere in the .dat. Empty fuel tanks weigh 150kg. Multiple fuel tanks are limited in weight by the first listed: FUEL&1000 and FUEL&3000 will only load 2000kg, but FUEL&3000 and FUEL&1000 will load 4000kg
LMTBYHDP TRUE/FALSE - If TRUE, then you can only have as many bombs as you have hardpoints for bombs, etc...
GUNSIGHT TRUE/FALSE - Allows the aircraft to have radar ranging gunsight. If left out of the .dat, YS assumes TRUE.
GUNPOWER 0 - The amount of damage given by one bullet. Defaults to 1 if not set.
INITIGUN 2000 - Initial number of bullets.
WEAPONCH ### - [weapon code] Preselects certain weapons: GUN, AAM, AGM, BOM, and SMK. Though RKT doesn't seem to do anything...
SMOKEOIL 0.0kg - Loads smoke by default. Weight is always 100kg regardless of number other than 0kg
SMOKECOL 0 255 255 255 - Allows for predefined colours of each smoke generator when selecting the aircraft. Before the 2014 test version, the first number 0 is fixed, meaning all the smoke generators generate the same colour smoke; after it, 0 refers to the first SMOKEGEN position declared, 1 refers to the next, 2 refers to the one after that, and so on. The RGB decimal code is then defined.
LOADWEPN 0 - Initial number of weapons. Can be repeated.
Note: When writing up the LOADWEPN variables, fuel tanks require that you make multiple entries of 800 each (or whatever custom value defined in HRDPOINT), otherwise it will only load a single tank with far too much fuel. The correct code is:
Allows for usage of custom weapon skins for specific aircraft. The type of weapon is defined first, followed by what state it is in: still hanging from the aircraft pylons (STATIC) or launched from the aircraft (FLYING). The filepath of the corresponding weapon skin is defined last. This variable is used only after the 2012 test version.
Note: WPNSHAPE FLR STATIC refers to a flarepod while WPNSHAPE FLR FLYING refers to a deployed flare.
AAMVISIB TRUE/FALSE - Are the air-to-air missiles visible in flight?
AGMVISIB TRUE/FALSE - Are the air-to-ground missiles visible in flight?
BOMVISIB TRUE/FALSE - Are the bombs visible in flight?
RKTVISIB TRUE/FALSE - Are the rockets visible in flight?
NMTURRET 0 - Refers to how many turrets the model will have (eg. if there are 48, then you will need to repeat the turret codes for 48 different turrets). The 0 in the subsequent TURRET** variables refers to the parameters belonging to the '0' turret. The next turret will have '1' and so on until all turrets mentioned in NMTURRET are complete.
TURRETPO 0 0m 0m -22.05m 180deg 0deg 0deg - The position (X, Y, Z) of the turret and its angle (H, P, B). This variable refers to a change of the turret's default orientation relative to the aircraft
TURRETPT 0 -60deg 60deg 0deg - The minimum pitch, maximum pitch, and neutral pitch of the turret. (The turret will move within these parameters)
TURRETHD 0 -60deg 60deg 0deg - The minimum heading, maximum heading, and neutral heading of the turret. (The turret will move within these parameters)
Note: The TURRETPO heading input actually specifies the middle of the heading arc, and TURRETHD is added to it. (So if you want a turret that can move 90 degrees to the right and only 45 to the left, but starts pointing forward: TURRETPO 0 0m 0m 0m 22.5deg 0deg 0deg TURRETHD -67.5deg 67.5deg -22.5deg)
TURRETAM 0 5000 - Ammo of the turret.
TURRETIV 0 0.2sec - Shooting interval of the gun.
TURRETNM 0 TURRET - If the turret is a part of the model, include the name of the .srf, this will allow the program to move the turret as a gun.
TURRETNP 0 TURRET_PITCH - SURF name in the object's DNM for turret vertical axis
TURRETNH 0 TURRET_HEADING - SURF name in the object's DNM for turret horizontal axis
TURRETAR 0 - Is the turret anti-air capable? If yes, then include this code.
TURRETGD 0 - Is the turret anti-ground capable? If yes, then include this code.
TURRETCT 0 GUNNER/PILOT - Is the turret controlled by the program? Or by the pilot?
TURRETRG 0 1500m - The range of the turret, between 0m and >50000m [max range for autoturrets depends on map, autoturret stops functioning at all if set above that range. Manual turret range exceeds 500km]
BOMBINBAY TRUE/FALSE - Are the bombs in the bomb bay? TRUE requires bay to open before dropping bombs
BMBAYRCS 0.0 - The radar cross-section of the bomb bay when open
RADARCRS 0.0 - The radar cross-section of the aircraft. The lower the number, greater the stealth.
REM ClZero,CdZero is fixed by Cruising condition - Comment
REFVCRUS 0.00Mach - The cruising speed of the aircraft. Speed at which AoA = 0. Causes an error if more than MAXSPEED
REFACRUS 00000ft - Cruising altitude of the aircraft
REFTCRUS 0.0 - Cruising throttle setting. Amount of dry thrust (no afterburner) needed to maintain REFVCRUS at REFACRUS
Note: REFVCRUS, REFACRUS and REFTCRUS values have a significant influence on the aircraft's aerodynamic performance - the game uses these values, in conjunction with some of those above and below, to create functions / graphs that give the aircraft it's velocity at _____ feet altitude and at _____% throttle.
REM ClSlope,CdConst is fixed by Landing condition - Comment
REFVLAND 000kt - Landing speed
REFAOALD 00deg - AoA with flaps down at REFVLAND
REFTHRLD 0.00 - Amount of dry thrust required to fly level with gear and flaps down at REFVLAND
Note: Both REFVLAND and REFAOALD determine how closely the aircraft's direction matches its attitude. Smaller values (80-100 knots, 5-10 degrees) make the plane track more precisely, with more G-loading at higher speeds, where larger values (110-120 knots, 10-15 degrees) make the plane "slide" at lower G's.
REFLNRWY 000m - Amount of runway required to stop from REFVLAND
MAXNMFLR 60 - Amount of flares carried by the aircraft by default.
FLAREPOS -1.01m -0.63m -5.01m -3.0m -3.0m -1.0m - The first three coordinates are the origin (X, Y, Z) of the flares relative to the centre point of the model. The last three serve as velocity of the flares in the given axis (X, Y, Z) in meters per second. First 8 entries are read, subsequent entries are ignored
General Comments
AGM65 (Air to ground missile)
AIM9 (Air to air missile, short range)
AIM9X (Agile air to air missile, short range)
AIM120 (Air to air missile, long range)
B250 (250lbs bomb)
B500 (500lbs bomb)
B500HD (500lbs high drag bomb)
RKT (Rocket pod of 19 rockets)
FLR (Flare pod of 20 flares)
FUEL (External fuel tank of 800kg by default)
Category codes:
WWII Fighter
WWII Attacker
WWII Bomber
WWII Dive Bomber
REM- This is a remark, it doesn't do anything. The program will not read the rest of the line.
# - To mark comments after commands. A # placed at the beginning of a line will generate an error.
Note: # and REM are comment indicators in YS files (similar to // or /* in other languages), so everything from a # to the end of the line is ignored by the program.
AUTOCALC - Tells YS the dat file is complete.
Please note the following .DAT additions are only compatible with the 2015 and later version of YS. Using these functions in an older version of YS will cause errors during flight and start up.
NREALPRP 1 - Number of engines utilising the real propeller function. After this variable REALPROP variables will be used, and similar to the TURRET variables, REALPROP 0 [variable] refers to the first engine, REALPROP 1 [variable] refers to the second engine, and so on.
REALPROP 0 NBLADE 3 - Number of propeller blades per engine.
REALPROP 0 AREAPERBLADE 0.25m^2 - Surface area of each blade.
REALPROP 0 CL 0deg 0.2 15deg 1.2 - ???
REALPROP 0 CD -5deg 0.01 20deg 0.4 - ???
REALPROP 0 PITCHCHGRATE 5deg - Maximum rate of change of propeller pitch per second.
REALPROP 0 MINPITCH 10deg - Minimum propeller pitch.
REALPROP 0 MAXPITCH 20deg - Maximum propeller pitch.
REALPROP 0 KGOVERNER 0.05 - Reaction speed of propeller governor. (???)
REALPROP 0 GRAVITYCENTER 0.6m - Distance from rotation axis. (Centre of gravity?)
REALPROP 0 LIFTCENTER 0.6m - Distance from rotation axis. (???)
REALPROP 0 WEIGHTPERBLADE 5kg - Weight of one blade.
REALPROP 0 CLOCKWISE 0 - Whether the blades rotate clockwise or anticlockwise (unsure of reference point). 0 refers to clockwise rotation while 1 refers to anticlockwise rotation.
REALPROP 0 MAXPOWER 200HP - Maximum output power of engine.
REALPROP 0 IDLEPOWER 15HP - Minimum output power of engine.
MAXCDAOA 00deg - Angle of attack at which drag becomes the largest.
FLATCLR1 3deg - Lift stays the same in this range of angles above CRITAOAP.
FLATCLR2 3deg - Lift stays the same in this range of angles below CRITAOAM.
CLDECAY1 10deg - Lift decays to zero in this range of angles above FLATCLR1.
CLDECAY2 10deg - Lift decays to zero in this range of angles below FLATCLR2.
PSTMSPD1 100kt - Maximum speed at which post stall manoeuvring is most effective.
PSTMSPD2 180kt - Speed at which post stall manoeuvring becomes ineffective.
PSTMPWR1 0.2 - Lowest throttle setting for which post stall manoeuvring begins to take effect.
PSTMPWR2 0.8 - Lowest throttle setting for which full range of post stall manoeuvring is possible
Note: all aircraft with post stall manoeuvring are affected by PSTMPWR1 and PSTMPWR2, including helicopters. Default values appear to be 0.2 and 0.8 respectively.
TIREFRIC 0.1 - Coefficient of friction on tyres.
Youtube clip by Decaff_42 explaining .dat variables. Interactive designer of the gun variables that are found in a .dat. Simply plug in your information and it produces the correct data for your .dat file.
Decaff's investigation into YSFlight physics: viewtopic.php?f=137&t=8431
Halberdier25 for the original information, Midnight Rambler for updating and putting it together, Dragon029 for refinement and detailed information, Taskforce 58 for refinement and detailed information, Shutter for refinement and detailed information. Grigor for additions and refinement, Decaff_42 for additions and refinement. Waspe414 for additions, refinement an detailed information. NightRaven for additions and refinement.
A big thank you to all involved.
Any mistakes/updates or if we've missed anything, post it below.