Multiplayer Guide

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Multiplayer Guide

Post by YSFHQ »

Joining a Server
YSFlight Headquarters
Welcome to the YSFlight Community!
Here are some guides about joining and hosting servers and how YSFlight servers work!

Step 1: Find a Server

There are many servers that you can log into. By looking through the Online Server page you can see what servers people are on, how many people are flying, and links to sites containing important information like what maps are being used, the server rules, and other pertinent information. You can find the server IP address here. Write this down, copy it into your clipboard, save it somehow as you will need it when trying to log in through YSFlight.

Step 2: Review the Rules

Review the rules for the server you wish to fly on. Typical rules may include the following:
  • No killing civilian aircraft.
  • No killing of players taking off or landing. a.k.a. Vulching
  • No combat unless you have permission from all parties.
  • If someone dispenses three flares in very rapid succession, it means they wish to disengage.
  • If there is an event going on, do not disrupt it.
  • Listen to server admins.
  • Be Nice!
These are a general rule of thumb. Remember to be courteous and respectful and HAVE FUN!

Step 3: The Login Process
Logging into a server may take some time. Be patient.

To login to a server, follow these steps:
  1. Open YSF and wait for it to load.
  2. Click on "Network" on the top toolbar, to the right of the "Simulation" that you click to go flying.
  3. On the drop-down menu (which lists "Server", "Client" and "Network Option"), click on "Client"
  4. Open up the server list page here on YSFHQ, at the top of the page and look for a server that is online.
  5. On the server list page, in the second column from the left, are the IP addresses for each server.
  6. Copy the IP address of the server you want to go on and paste it into the box in YSF that's titled "Server Hostname (IP Address)". Click "OK".
  7. Now, if the server is online and you have the map that the server is using, you will enter upon a black screen with white text and a blue box in the top right corner. If YSF temporarily freezes, then says "cannot connect to host"; post back here, because if the server is online, it may be a network issue on your end. If you see the black screen appear temporarily, but then YSF reverts back to the main menu, this means you don't have the map the server uses.
  8. Now that you are connected to the server, you must wait for a message that states: "** Log-on process completed **". Before this appears, you will not be able to properly choose an airplane, start flying or observe.
  9. Once that message does appear, along with a bunch of information, you will be able to select an aircraft, choose a starting position and then start flying by clicking "Join". If you just want to see what others are doing, you can click on "Observer Mode". In observer mode, you can view another person's plane by pressing F5 (this cycles the aircraft being viewed) and then pressing the usual camera buttons.
Some other notes:
If the server owner does not have a plane installed, you cannot use it.
If the server owner has a lot of planes installed, it will take longer for the log-in process to complete - the WW3 server only takes a few seconds to complete the process, others, like Ericts or the CVW-171's can take a few tens of seconds. The longest I've waited was about 3-5 minutes.
To speak to other players, press F12 and type your message. The Enter key will send the message, the Esc key will close the message.

Hosting a Server

Step 1: Determine what sort of server you wish to run.
The YS community has produced a multitude of addons. As a server admin, you'll have to determine which you want to make available to your guests. Some of these are fairly simple - combat planes for a combat oriented server, airliners on a civilian server, and so on. Any server aligned with a particular virtual unit will want to have that unit's aircraft. Be sure to weed out any addons that prove disruptive to the style of play you wish to promote.Select a map that encourages your server's purpose. Combat pilots like lots of ground targets. Airline pilots like long distances. Naval squadrons will most likely want a carrier.

Step 2: Port Forwarding
For other players to connect to your server, you must forward a port and open your firewall. The default port for YSFlight is 7915. Specific instructions for the process are unique to your own router, but Midnight Rambler provides a useful guide here:

Step 3: Start Your Server
In YS, one can host a server through the dedicated console server exe, or any of the usual game interfaces. The console server provides a simplified menu, and fairly clear instructions. From the main menu, press 1 to start your server or 2 to configure the server options (weapons enabled, radar alt, etc.) Selecting "start your server" presents the options to select the map of your choice, and to initiate the server itself. In the regular game, select "Network" from the menu at the top of the screen, and then "Server" to select your map and initiate the server.

Step 4: Adding To Server List
Unless you are running a strictly private server, you will want to advertise your server's active status on the YSFHQ server list. To do this, navigate to "Community" on the page. Select "Online Servers" and then click the "Add" button at the top left corner of the server list. Enter your server's details in the relevant fields, and click "add the server" when you are done. Most servers use a DNS ip to hide their personal IP. These can be acquired for free from sites such as

Step 5: Know your tools
Weather you use the console server or the regular game to host a server, you will notice additional options which help you manage your server, and entertain those who join. You can revive ground objects, kick or ban players, lock the server to prevent new people from logging in, join lock the server to prevent people from taking off, and initiate a number of automated AI combat scenarios.

Step 6: Administration
The simplest way to ensure that your server runs the way you want it to is to keep it online only when you are there to babysit it. If you want to provide a more long term service, you may wish to put together an administrative team. Post a set of rules, either on your own site, or on YSFHQ, and link them to your spot on the server list. Appoint admins and or moderators which the power to enforce rules, and if possible, with some form of remote access to provide direct administration.

General advice on managing a server
Midnight Rambler wrote:Ok, so if you've used my other tutorial you should hopefully have figured out how to run a server in YSFlight.
This guide can be found here:

Ok, so I've been running a server for a little while and there are some things that I've picked up which will help you manage your new server.

24/7 or Hourly
Is your server going to be on all the time, or just for fun every now and then? The bigger servers, such as Erict15 and 42South are 24/7. This attracts more people as it gives the users a sense of regularity - they can go online and expect the server to be there. Obviously running a 24/7 server is a fairly big commitment and means that your machine will need to run day and night, using your network allowance as well. A hourly server is a server that may be online for set periods of time, on certain days, or whenever the host feels like it. These servers are often exclusive, such as the FAVA server and don't receive as much traffic as a 24/7 server. An upside is that there is less machine and network usage.

With your server online, you want some rules to create some order online. The following rules are considered standard rules in YSFlight:
No killing civilian aircraft.
No killing aircraft on runways. - Vulching
If someone dispenses three flares in very rapid succession, it means they wish to disengage.
If there is an event going on, do not disrupt it.
Listen to server admins.

I typically try and keep the amount of rules to a minimum. Rarely people go to the server page and looks up the rules. On 42South the only rules I enforce are no civilian killing or Vulching, unless it was agreed upon by both people. Having a long list of rules will only make it hard to control and your life hell when people PM you complaining of rule breakers.

This is simple. Do not, whatever you do, put every single addon you've ever downloaded into a server. The last time I checked how many aircraft I have installed was in 2008 and it was close to 4000. If I installed 4000 planes on 42South, every time someone joined the server then those aircraft would need to be checked. Once the list is fully checked, you're logged in. The more addons, the longer the login time and vice versa. Use the major packs; Taskforce 58, GAC, Major, squads/VAs, etc... More often then not, less than 100 planes are used online... Ever. Addons directly affect the login speed.

Internet speed
All depends on your clients and what you're using it for. A VA server doesn't need as higher connection speed as there isn't as much close contact between different clients. A military orientated server, with fast moving aircraft and weapons, needs a fast server connection. Aerobatics, formation flying, etc.. Also require a good connection to reduce lag. The more clients you have joined to the server, the greater the Internet speed you'll need.

A standard VA connection with 1 or 2 people online could be as low as DL: 1.2mbps UL: 0.2mbps It'd be slow, but would work fairly well.

At the other end:

I've had 14 people flying on 42South with some small lag. My server has a high connection speed and was able to handle it. DL:94mbps UL: 70mbps

A big part of running a server. You need people you can turn to when there is an issue on the server and you can't get there to sort it. 42South uses 4 Administrators; Doomsday, Philster, Rine and Shine and me. I'm currently the only one who has access to the server controls. So, to give my admins the authority to do their job, I created the 42South Admin Plane. It's indestructible, 30000 bullets, 6000 flares, Mach 20 in a straight line, stops in midair, unlimited weapons, etc... You get the picture. I made it, installed it on the server and sent these guys the link. This way, only we can use it.

Ever wondered why Erict and 42South always use stock maps like Hawaii or Tohoku? It's simple really, everyone has these maps. If we ran custom maps, people can't join the server unless they have the map. So, to maximise the people that can join, we use stock.

Hopefully this helps a few people. Feel free to ask questions or make comments below.
Server-side vs. Client-side

When flying online, it is important to note that there are many big differences in how ys handles online play compared to other games.

The first thing to understand is that if you are connecting to someone else's computer to play, you are a client. If you are hosting the game other people connect to, you are the server. Things that the server controls are said to be serverside. Things that the client controls are clientside. Here's the breakdown of what's what:

  • Which aircraft are available to fly
  • The contents of the dat of the aircraft
  • Who's alive and who's dead when it comes to death from collisions and ground objects. There's a lot of lag in this area, so sometimes you will see people survive things that should kill them, and you will often see them crash when they haven't due to distance lag.
  • Where you see the other players in your game
  • The regions of the map that affect you
  • The weather
  • Day or night
  • What weapons are allowed
  • The server CAN control blackout, or they may make it client side
  • The distance at which players can see usernames
  • Whether or not you are automatically kicked after a certain amount of time of doing nothing in the lobby
  • Whether or not ground objects shoot at you
  • The dats of ground objects
  • whether f3 view is available
  • The radar altitude limit. The server admin may make this clientside
  • Whether or not mid-air collisions occur. This can be made clientside
  • How many times the same player can connect to a server
  • Whether or not there is a radar gunsight.
  • Any missions that run on the server
  • How often the server resets
  • Whether or not chat is enabled
  • What notifications you get
  • What aircraft, ground objects, the map and your weapons LOOK like.
  • Your aircraft's position. If the server thinks you are somewhere else, it will show you as somewhere else to the other players, but will eventually put your airplane back to the right place in their view. You will always be in the right place in your view. The significance of this is that you will never "lag jump/teleport" but you will see other players do it often. See this article for more detail.
  • Who you killed. If you kill someone, they WILL be dead. However, there is a lot of lag in this and the server may not register your kill straight away. I've seen lag of several minutes between when I kill someone and how much longer they stay alive. In that interval you might kill them many more times to no avail.
  • FPS lag. The server renders nothing but positions and states. If you get a performance drop, that's entirely on your computer.
  • Network lag. Blame the fact that ysflight uses TCP instead of UDP, which we really can't fix. I'm sure Dr. Yamakawa had his reasons.
As you can see, most things are serverside. The reason for this being that the more things are clientside, the more the server needs to rely on the client's internet connections instead of its own.This would work in a perfect world where everyone has super amazing fiber optics internet, but not in the real world. Therefore we rely on servers to try and maintain a cohesive picture of what's going on.
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Re: Multiplayer Guide

Post by TournelHenry »

I need help. I can't join any servers
I only see options to Create/Start Server and to Configure my server.
I don't see an option to JOIN server
What do I do?
My YSFlight version is 20150425 (Last Stable release)
The Window that pops up when I launch YSFlight Server (ysflight32_nownd.exe)
The Window that pops up when I launch YSFlight Server (ysflight32_nownd.exe)
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Re: Multiplayer Guide

Post by waspe414 »

You're running the server console there, which hosts your own server locally. To connect to a server, load the regular YS .exe and go to Network -> Client and input the server IP where required.
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Re: Multiplayer Guide

Post by jowayen »

I can't get into any server.
My version is apparently much newer than what is on any of the servers.
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Re: Multiplayer Guide

Post by waspe414 »

Servers are generally running 2015 version. You can get it here:
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Re: Multiplayer Guide

Post by jowayen »

So I thought I'd give it a try.
I downloaded an older version and got into your server this morning. Looks cool.
I saw some new targets so I thought I'd get some practice in with the B-2 from 40,000.
No combat, I was just looking to practice bombing some power plants.

This fool joins, apparently sees me, quits and respawns with the opposite color and attacks for no reason.

So I go to chat and he's all like "don't care", "what rules"... blah blah blah.

If this is how people act then I guess I see why it's so dead
I'm out
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Re: Multiplayer Guide

Post by waspe414 »

The specifics of engagements aren't recorded by the server log. Please detail this engagement (it's the first one):

Code: Select all

nameless took off (F-18E_SUPERHORNET)
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 took off ([VT-171]RAFALE-M)
Client 0 is killed by Client 2
Client 0 is killed by Client 2
nameless has left the airplane.
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 has left the airplane.
Regarding policy,

Code: Select all

(USERNAME)I thought you were supposed to ask before engaging in combat?
Not technically correct: both parties engaging in BFM in comparable aircraft can be taken as agreement. It is, however, good etiquette to get verbal confirmation.

Code: Select all

([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)either way you could have 3 flare for a disengage
Also correct. 3 flares are a very useful communication tool.

Code: Select all

(USERNAME)bullshit. you locked on me first when I was B-2
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)lock on is passive
Correct. Any aircraft of a different IFF that is pointing in your direction will trigger a YOU ARE LOCKED ON warning, even if that aircraft is an unarmed airliner.

I've spoken to Kubson regarding the initial engagement, and emphasized the etiquette of verbal confirmation. On your end I would recommend not engaging in BFM if you don't want to be fighting, and 3-flare to emphasize that point. And regarding your above post, drama and biased recounting isn't really going to help you make friends. In general, be chill, communicate, and accept that mistakes and miscommunication can happen occasionally.

The complete transcript, for whoever cares:

Code: Select all

Client 0 is killed by Client -2
nameless has left the airplane.
nameless took off (B-2_SPIRIT)
nameless has left the airplane.
nameless took off (B-2_SPIRIT)
Connection Request By #2
User [BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 logged on.
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 took off ([VT-171]RAFALE-M)
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 has left the airplane.
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 took off ([VT-171]RAFALE-M)
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 has left the airplane.
nameless took off (F-18E_SUPERHORNET)
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 took off ([VT-171]RAFALE-M)
Client 0 is killed by Client 2
Client 0 is killed by Client 2
nameless has left the airplane.
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 has left the airplane.
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 took off (F-16C_FIGHTINGFALCON)
nameless took off (F-22_RAPTOR)
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 has left the airplane.
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 took off (F-16C_FIGHTINGFALCON)
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 has left the airplane.
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 took off (F-16C_FIGHTINGFALCON)
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 has left the airplane.
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 took off (F-16C_FIGHTINGFALCON)
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 has left the airplane.
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 took off (F-16C_FIGHTINGFALCON)
Client 2 is killed by Client 0
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 has left the airplane.
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 took off (F-16C_FIGHTINGFALCON)
Client 0 is killed by Client 2
Died of: 2
Position: -59188.410309   3.045731 -112701.456413
nameless has left the airplane.
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 has left the airplane.
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 took off (F-16C_FIGHTINGFALCON)
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 has left the airplane.
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 took off (F-16C_FIGHTINGFALCON)
(USERNAME)I thought you were supposed to ask before engaging in combat?
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)well. I never shot you, but you spawned in an F-18 and did agressive maneuvers
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)So I guessed you wanted to fight
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)either way you could have 3 flare for a disengage
(USERNAME)bullshit. you locked on me first when I was B-2
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)3 flared*
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)lock on is passive
(USERNAME)supposed to ask first
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)I just need to be looking in your direction
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)and you'll get the warning
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)locked on is not missile shot
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)it just means you're in my missile range
(USERNAME)total bullshit to change sides then lock on me
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)and you can't turn off your missiles tracking
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)you can't turn off the lock on/lock off lad
(USERNAME)you changed sides then came at me with lock
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)even if I have my flares selected you'll still get the warning
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)listen, I can't decide to lock on you or not
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)if I look on your direction and I have missiles
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)that will happen no matter what
(USERNAME)you decided to quit and respawn on opposite side
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)yeah
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)and so?
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)am I not allowed to use whatever IFF i want?
(USERNAME)supposed to ask before attacking
(USERNAME)total bullshit
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)okay let me explain again
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)the lock on
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)warning
(USERNAME)no explanation necessary
(USERNAME)I saw whhat happened
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)then you're just straight up ignorant
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)the lock on warning is not an agression
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)it just means that I have missiles, and I'm in a different IFF
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)doesn't mean I'm engaging you
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 has left the airplane.
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)is it so hard to understand?
nameless took off (F-18E_SUPERHORNET)
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)
nameless has left the airplane.
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 took off (F-16C_FIGHTINGFALCON)
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)a lock on is something that can't be turned off
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)I can have my guns selected
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)lock on warning will still appear
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)I can have my flares selected
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)lock on warning will still appear
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)and I'm allowed to use whatever IFF and weapons I want
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)so that you get a locked on warning is not my issue
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)I don't even have to be having the red locked square on my HUD
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)I just need to be pointing my nose at you
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)do you get it now?
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 has left the airplane.
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)also
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)where did you see the rules?
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)Combat Standards in YSFlight by Bombcat?
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 took off (F-16C_FIGHTINGFALCON)
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 has left the airplane.
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 took off (F-16C_FIGHTINGFALCON)
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 has left the airplane.
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)Are you there?
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 took off (F-16C_FIGHTINGFALCON)
(USERNAME)rules clearly state BOTH parties must agree to dogfight.
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)mhm
(USERNAME)ppl like YOU ruin this game
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)well
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)bruh
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)I'm in the same team that the people who host all these servers
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)also you could have 3 flared for a disengage if you didn't want to fight
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)as the rules clearly state as well
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)I saw you turning agressively towards me so I engaged
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)and again
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)locking on is not engaging
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)either way
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)you could have told me
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)"hey, the lock is bothering me, could you not?"
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)or when I approached you in the jet and shot in retaliation
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)you could have 3 flared
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)all those things you could have done to stop the fight on it's tracks
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)didn't you read that part of the rules?
Died of: 2
Position: 27874.812368   2.092917 -11909.006148
Died of: 2
Position: 27879.719030   2.103292 -11908.337781
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)hm?
([BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554)why didn't you 3 flare or ask me to disengage?
[BOH/2nd-UCW] Kubson88554 has left the airplane.
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Re: Multiplayer Guide

Post by jowayen »

Your server rules state the following...
"Combat etiquette:
If engaging in dogfighting, make sure all parties agree beforehand. """

I take that to mean unprovoked attack on a bomber is against your rules.
I was at 50,000 on a bombing approach in the B-2.
He started out "white", saw me, respawned "green" and came straight up after me.
I was in a bomber. After he attacked me, I switched to an F-18 and shot him down.
I try to play by the rules - no matter who makes them up.

And his excuses are lame.
He could've switched to "gun" when he came up to 50,000 feet and NOT locked on to me if he didn't want to fight.
I was absolutely no threat in any way to him.
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Re: Multiplayer Guide

Post by waspe414 »

a) did he fire at you at all while you were in the bomber? If not, he did not attack you. If so, he will be talked to. The server logs don't show any, but YS is notoriously spotty in that regard.
b) Any aircraft of a different IFF that is pointing in your direction will trigger a YOU ARE LOCKED ON warning, even if that aircraft is an unarmed airliner.
c) people can fly on whatever IFF they want. That's not a sign of aggression or declaration of violence.

Reread my previous post. It seems you didn't internalize it.
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Re: Multiplayer Guide

Post by QueenAstrid »

jowayen wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2019 9:32 pm Your server rules state the following...
"Combat etiquette:
If engaging in dogfighting, make sure all parties agree beforehand. """

I take that to mean unprovoked attack on a bomber is against your rules.
I was at 50,000 on a bombing approach in the B-2.
He started out "white", saw me, respawned "green" and came straight up after me.
I was in a bomber. After he attacked me, I switched to an F-18 and shot him down.
I try to play by the rules - no matter who makes them up.

And his excuses are lame.
He could've switched to "gun" when he came up to 50,000 feet and NOT locked on to me if he didn't want to fight.
I was absolutely no threat in any way to him.
I personally feel you're making up the fact he attacked you in the bomber, as said above a lock on IS NOT an attack as it can't be helped full stop, except possibly when selecting smoke or flares, something most pilots won't leave on (I personally never select flares, I have a button to drop them at the end of the day). The logs show he did indeed shoot you down but only once you had selected a fighter aircraft.

Now maneuvering against someone is generally seen as accepting or inviting air combat, as again said above you could have three flared and I assure you we all accept that and will immediately disengage. The only time this isn't the case is when you continue to involve yourself by continuing to maneuver or fire.

If you didn't or ever don't want air combat don't maneuver against another aircraft, I assure you if you did the same to me I'd engage you!

And finally, I'm gonna give you a free piece of advice, grow the f*** up. This is a game nothing that important to get all butthurt over.
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Re: Multiplayer Guide

Post by lucifer_jlx »

hello there,
fairly new to the game, currently im on a private server with my friends. im hosting the server using the game's inbuilt server hosting tool.

id like to know how i can modify server settings like
  • assign players to teams , so ys logs kill status
  • assign ground objects as team objectives
  • create NPC for aircrafts and ground stuff
we like to simulate something like bomber escort etc while having dogfights with each other.

thank you
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Re: Multiplayer Guide

Post by waspe414 »

You can change IFF, but YS doesn't do a team-wide score of anything
Ground objects can be set as priority target in Scenery Editor
AI aircraft and extra ground objects can be added in Scenery Editor

As long as all players have the aircraft and ground objects installed, only the server needs to have the updated map. The land/water/mountains pull from local files, but ground objects and aircraft are set by the server
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