I'm back + other stuff

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I'm back + other stuff

Post by Foxhound31 »

Hi, I'm back after like, what was it, 3 months? Maybe more. That's not important. (If you are wondering why I've been gone for the past 3 months, its because I completely forgot the 31 at the end of my username lol). Anyway, I would like to disband the USAF or Eaglestrike Force that I've made and restart with something new, and something that you all should like much more (and this time we won't go bombing random islands and "shooting without warning" lol)

24th Special Operations Wing!

My goal is to make an elite force of the best airmen to ever take to the skies of YSFlight. Also, we will try to bring back YSFlight to it's former spot under the spotlight. In other words, we will try to increase activity within the sim. How? Maybe if we host a bunch of milsims, and get literally everyone you know to join, it would work.

And what about my discord?

Well, I also forgot the username to my discord account. I'm not joking guys, its not April fools rn. So I will make a new account sometime, but in the meantime, final exams are coming over the horizon and I don't feel like getting a C on it. If you have questions, comments, or concerns or are interested in the 24th SOW, just reply, and I can get you on a hold list.

And my activity on YSF?
Im getting a better computer that doesn't literally try to turn itself into a jet engine when running such a low graphics game like YSF. Integrated graphics and a Ryzen 3 CPU were said to work, but in my case, it doesn't, so I'll have to hold on that.
CiC of 24th Special Operation Wing

wants to be a "neenja"
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