Civilian Flight Night - Sunday, Jan. 11th *Discussion Thread*

(YSATC) - You are Cleared for Takeoff!

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Civilian Flight Night - Sunday, Jan. 11th *Discussion Thread*

Post by David »

Patrick31337 wrote:I am planning to keep this civilian-only, although a few military cargo planes may have slipped in. You can install all the packs and see what I have running on the server.
Alright understood Patrick, il go and have a check. Thanks!
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Civilian Flight Night - Sunday, Jan. 11th *Discussion Thread*

Post by Turbofan »

Hey all,

I made a clarification in the YSATC Civ Flight Night topic (first post):

"ATC will be tower/ground only. So departing pilots will resume their own navigation after takeoff when the controller advises as such. Since no airport will have Terminal Area Control (TAC) that covers a 25 mile radius from the controlled airports, you will be navigating on your own to the designated runways but do contact the tower on the respective frequencies when you are about 15 miles from said airport. Basically what this means is, fly as you normally would, contact us when you are about 15 miles from said airport, and then when you are established on final, contact the tower for that airport. We'll take it from there. Simple enough yes?"

Basically, clearance delivery, taxi instructions and takeoff/landing clearances will be done by tower/ground (same frequency at each controlled airport). Between airports during cruise/descent/ascent, you will use own navigation. This is specified in the YSATC Guide, but I realize not everyone is interested in reading a guide just to find this out so I put this little tidbit in here for everyone to see. TAC is needed only when there are multiple flights into/out of an airport.
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Civilian Flight Night - Sunday, Jan. 11th *Discussion Thread*

Post by QueenAstrid »

@TheJuli, Please append 787 and 767 with "Heavy" at the end of the callsign

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Civilian Flight Night - Sunday, Jan. 11th *Discussion Thread*

Post by TheJuli »

@Welshy - Done ;)

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Civilian Flight Night - Sunday, Jan. 11th *Discussion Thread*

Post by TheJuli »

Turbofan wrote:Hey all,

I made a clarification in the YSATC Civ Flight Night topic (first post):

"ATC will be tower/ground only. So departing pilots will resume their own navigation after takeoff when the controller advises as such. Since no airport will have Terminal Area Control (TAC) that covers a 25 mile radius from the controlled airports, you will be navigating on your own to the designated runways but do contact the tower on the respective frequencies when you are about 15 miles from said airport. Basically what this means is, fly as you normally would, contact us when you are about 15 miles from said airport, and then when you are established on final, contact the tower for that airport. We'll take it from there. Simple enough yes?"

Basically, clearance delivery, taxi instructions and takeoff/landing clearances will be done by tower/ground (same frequency at each controlled airport). Between airports during cruise/descent/ascent, you will use own navigation. This is specified in the YSATC Guide, but I realize not everyone is interested in reading a guide just to find this out so I put this little tidbit in here for everyone to see. TAC is needed only when there are multiple flights into/out of an airport.
Fair enough :) But which airports will have ATC? I don't think all of them will.
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Civilian Flight Night - Sunday, Jan. 11th *Discussion Thread*

Post by Neocon »

Lihue, Honolulu, Kahului, and Kona, will have ATC.
Patrick31337 - Neocon
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Civilian Flight Night - Sunday, Jan. 11th *Discussion Thread*

Post by TheJuli »

That's truly awesome! I actually thought of just 2-3 airports will have it.
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Civilian Flight Night - Sunday, Jan. 11th *Discussion Thread*

Post by Neocon »

When I was planning this, YSATC was just being reorganized and I thought PHNL might get ATC. I never imagined we would have four going at once. This is really great of them all. :D
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Civilian Flight Night - Sunday, Jan. 11th *Discussion Thread*

Post by VNAF ONE »

How do we know what packs to install again?

EDIT: nevermind I forgot about the site.
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Civilian Flight Night - Sunday, Jan. 11th *Discussion Thread*

Post by Turbofan »

@TheJuli: ^Happy to do so!

Something that popped into my head:

when filing flight plans in Teamspeak using the chat box, please use the following one-line format (To make things easier, just copy/paste the follwing line into the TS chat box and fill-in-the-blanks).:

CS: O: D: Acft: Req. Alt.:

(CS = Callsign; O = Origin; D = Destination; Acft = Aircraft; Req. Alt = requested cruise altitude; westbound is even-numbered, eastbound is odd-numbered)

Your cooperation is appreciated. :)
Another thing to make it easier for you pilots: Since all airports will have only one frequency, once you depart from an airport, and level off at cruise alt, switch over to the destination airport's frequency, or UNICOM. That way you'll already be on the correct frequency.
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Civilian Flight Night - Sunday, Jan. 11th *Discussion Thread*

Post by David »

Not sure if I posted this in the right place? with the orginal topic locked, but I Just wanted to say (on behalf of Dan also) thank you to all the controllers - Baraccuz, Welshy, VNAF and Turbofan for the providing great ATC. If time permitted we would have stayed on a bit longer and file more flights. But all-in-all throuroughly enjoyed it for the time we could be there. Thanks guys.
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Civilian Flight Night - Sunday, Jan. 11th *Discussion Thread*

Post by jetskit »

Same as Dan and Dave, i really enjoyed tonight, it's been great fun and the controllers did a great job, if i had the time, i would have done my other 2 flights but unfortunately, time wasn't on my side. I look forward to next time!
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Civilian Flight Night - Sunday, Jan. 11th *Discussion Thread*

Post by Turbofan »

^Our pleasure guys, appreciate the compliments :). Glad to see it was a fun event!
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Civilian Flight Night - Sunday, Jan. 11th *Discussion Thread*

Post by Neocon »

My only regret is that I wasn't able to make it to all four of the controlled airports.
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Civilian Flight Night - Sunday, Jan. 11th *Discussion Thread*

Post by VNAF ONE »

Definitely had fun but I'd like to see more people joining in. My only concerns were just that I didn't have much to do over at lonely Lihue. Only handled 2 flights. Maybe next time we'll just control HNL and have TAC and 1 or 2 controllers handle east/west airports. There just seemed to be a lot of central activity at HNL which is expected.
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