Just a little poll for those of you who did not join Civ Flight Night this past Sunday. Choose the option that best fits your opinion, or specify with "Other". You can also elaborate below in your response. Thanks!
Sorry I could not join you guys but let us just say I ate something that tried to eat me back.Stomach wise that is.But keep up the good workTurbo.As always if someone does not want to fly with ATC assistance than they are free to go to another server and fly.ATC has always been voluntary participation on both sides of the mike.
Sorry to hear that Gunny, hope you're doing better now. Always a next time though so hope to see you then! And I appreciate the compliment, I'll definitely attempt to do my best! Really though we have a good bunch of controllers, Barracuz, VNAF and Welshy all did a great job on Sunday. I probably complicated things a bit much, but will make it simpler next time.