The new YSATC

(YSATC) - You are Cleared for Takeoff!

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The new YSATC

Post by Turbofan »

Hello all,

it gives me great pleasure to annouce the re-launch of a brand new YS Air Traffic Control guild (YSATC). The idea for a re-launch occurred when Venom approached me with some thoughts about it and asked if I would be interested. I gladly accepted and began working on a document. For the past month or so, I have been working with some of the real-life pilots on this forum to get feedback on what I shouldkeep/not keep as part of YSATC, and the result is the Zip folder I have attached here.

Keeping in mind that this YSFS and not MSFS/VATSIM, I have tried to achieve a balance between the real-life aspects of ATC and the simplicity of YSFS, which we all like. A few weekends ago, I pitched the idea to the HQ staff, and they seemed to like it. After getting some more feedback, I made some additions and edits, and I am releasing the document today. YSATC is officially re-launched!

While I have eliminated some real-world things like squawk/transponder codes and SIDs/STARs (which there isn't a need for in YSFS), I have kept many things or modified them slightly to better adapt them for YSFS purposes. This includes a modified version of the departure clearance, for instance. If you read the document (yes, it seems a bit long but some of that's due to formatting, screenshots, etc) you will find it is detailed with explanations for even the most novice of controllers.

We are now accepting applications for controllers. How do you apply? Just post a reply to this thread, or pm me, and we will get back to you. We plan on setting up training sessions soon, and we will keep you posted as soon as we have dates/times finalised. Anyone interested in becoming a controller for YSATC is highly encouraged to apply! We also realize that all of us have real lives outside of YSFS and that it is a hobby, so YSATC training and flight sessions will be coordinated and timed to account for that.

All VA pilots in YSFS are encouraged to download and read the document as well, as it will give you an idea of what to expect when you join a YSATC session.

I would like to extend my thanks to Scarecrow and Venom for their feedback, and well as Gunny and other HQ staff for their own suggestions in improving the document and the idea for YSATC as a whole.

YSATC - "You are now cleared for takeoff!"

NOTE: Please download and read the document if you think you are interested in becoming a YSATC controller.
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Re: The new YSATC

Post by Venom »

This is exciting! Such a vital part of YS History RE-STARTED!
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Re: The new YSATC

Post by Av8Tor »

Tried downloading the document - it looks encrypted. I can open it but it is just a bunch of symbols. Possibly a result of moving the format from DOCX to DOC.
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Re: The new YSATC

Post by Turbofan »

Hey Av8tor,

sorry about that. I actually saved it as a .doc without encryption. I am using LibreOffice - that maybe the problem. It should still be compatible with Microsoft Office, but if it's giving everyone trouble I'll just upload the .pdf file here in the .zip. Thanks for letting me know.
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Re: The new YSATC

Post by QueenAstrid »

TFan, feel free to register me as a controller
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Re: The new YSATC

Post by Fariiniq »

Heard about this and had to come see it myself, even though I've been away for like almost 2 years now.
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Re: The new YSATC

Post by Turbofan »

Hey Fairiniq, nice to see you again. Welcome back! :)
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