This is an announcement/heads-up:
Time: 1430 UTC
Location: Vuelo Beach
Teamspeak: HQ Teamspeak
Server: TBD
This year's VNAF AirFest will feature, for the first time, a fly-in/ATC event. This will take place at a TBD time on the Vuelo Island/s. As you know, the main island for the show has 2 airports: one small general aviation one, and one large. I will be producing information charts soon for this area as well as airspace designation and separation. I may also include other islands but this is only a possibility, I'm unsure whether I can do this in time for the event.
What to expect:
- There will be several levels of controllers so I'll need a couple of the YSATC folks for this. I may assign each controller a different airspace depending on skill and experience.
- Varying types of aircraft are possible to fly into the event area including high-performance aircraft, heavies, general aviation, commercial, and formations.
- There will be a division of airspace regarding the two airports which are within 5 miles of each other, as well as an aerobatic box that may be occasionally used during the fly-in. If this box becomes active (which will be decided by controllers), it will affect all airspace and traffic procedures. We will set up protocols for this situation.
- Many pilots may not be experienced with YSATC procedures, so we will publish special information for this unique event.
- I will not *require* prior filing of flight plans as many may be VFR or local flights.
I may not limit the controllers to YSATC folks but I will hand-select the best controllers out of whoever decides they want to do this. I may need 3-4 people for this, at least one with instrument flight knowledge would be nice. This will be a unique opportunity for everyone as this may be a period of high volume traffic and a great chance to hone your skills in ATC.
ATC Controllers:
VNAF ONE (Air Boss)
Dan (Standby)
Dave (Standby)
ATC Centers:
Vuelo Beach Tower
Vuelo Beach Approach
Vuelo Center
Pilot Uni-comm Frequency