Poll: Type of ATC instructions you prefer

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What type of ATC instructions do you prefer?

Poll ended at Tue May 30, 2017 3:38 pm

Real-world instructions, just like they use in the real-world or VATSIM. Phonetic alphabet Foxtrot Tango Whiskey baby!
Simple instructions. I don't want to learn the phonetic alphabet just to enjoy an online event. Don't VATSIM my YS Flight!
Don't care either way
ATC/civilian online sessions are not my speed (pun intended)
Total votes: 17

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Poll: Type of ATC instructions you prefer

Post by Turbofan »

So in some private discussion with dbd000, I realized there are a few of us on HQ (with emphasis on few), that want ATC sessions that are more like what you see/hear on VATSIM. If you do not know what VATSIM is, it's an online service that provides ATC services for anyone using MSFS, X-Plane or more recently, P3D. However, all ATC correspondance is just like the real world, where you need to know proper FAA/ICAO terminology. Right now what we use for ATC events is a loose adaptation of ATC jargon, and we don't currently have squawk codes or flight plans. Anywho, the goal here is to see how many of us actually interested in civilian ATC sessions are comfortable with. Just pick one option from the poll above.

Also, it would help out if you post what your stance is on the following:

- Filing of flight plans before an ATC event
- Use of squawk codes
- Use of taxiway designators when a certain map has them available, and the airport layout with taxiway markers is easily available (i.e. you can just go to a website and view the airport diagram)

This is not to suggest that we are changing anything to a VATSIM type deal, merely gathering some feedback from you guys to see whether we can host two types of ATC events - realistic as well as simplified (current).

This poll will run for 20 days, so you don't have to post a response immediately. Thank you for your input. :)
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Re: Poll: Type of ATC instructions you prefer

Post by fikrikawakibi »

YS doesnt have built in GPS and FMC. I stumbled upon ys planner once, but its not so handy and i never try to use it to navigate other than hawaii map.

Thats the main thing i think we would need from an ATC, telling which waypoint to fly, and what heading...
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Re: Poll: Type of ATC instructions you prefer

Post by KM6BZH »

I think the good thing about realistic ATC is that it is more accurate. However, realistic ATC is hard to do with YSFlight's F12 chat, and not everyone uses discord, our primary communication (voice) method.
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Re: Poll: Type of ATC instructions you prefer

Post by Turbofan »

Thanks for the feedback fikrikawakibi, that will help us out for sure. You said you need ATC to give you the heading to the destination airport, is that because you find it difficult to use the heading bug or something else? Most maps in YSFS do not have waypoint VORs, usually the distances are short enough to where the VORs at the destination airport will be plenty to give you the direct heading to fly. The exceptions to this include Guam to SoCal and a few other maps like the testmap060303 by 2ch (which actually has a few waypoint VORs but which very few have used, and is unfortunately no longer available on the 2ch wiki page).
KM6BZH wrote:I think the good thing about realistic ATC is that it is more accurate. However, realistic ATC is hard to do with YSFlight's F12 chat, and not everyone uses discord, our primary communication (voice) method.
Definitely agree with this. I'm an average word-per-minute typist so it is tricky to maintain flight and type in F12, especially if I'm in the climbout/descent stage. I use a mouse to fly so yeah, I totaly get that. I know VATSIM controllers use text chat also to communicate, so they must be really good typists for some of the instructions, like taxi instructions and clearances.

Not sure that there is a good middle ground in YS Flight however.
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Re: Poll: Type of ATC instructions you prefer

Post by fikrikawakibi »

Didnt expect dct flight plan, but even dct flight need ys planner to get the heading...

Oh well if atc clear the ifr flight plan file he could input it to ys planner so he could tell the pilot all things like heading, attitude, and speed...
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Re: Poll: Type of ATC instructions you prefer

Post by Barr »

YS Radar is pretty handy once you get it working. But it's fixed and really only good for small maps. If you tried using it in like PAcific Rim you'd have trouble seeing waypoints and runways.

If it were updated so that the radar moves with the client aircraft and ability to mooz and zoom then it would make advanced ATC really easy to follow.

But as of now having to dial every vor as you pass thru it is a challenge especially if the next one is out of range. I guess you could use Nav Planner but again on big maps it lags, but still useable. Maybe make a simple .Flds for maps with just generic polygon outlines and only ils and vors so it's easier to use?

Also my biggest obstacle when and if I control is having to multitask as in Manning Arrivals and departure, twr and ground. In many past events with few controllers many were placed in multiple airports. Yeah once everyone is in the air it's pretty slow but once everyone starts landing or taking off all at the same time it's an adventure. Maybe it's just me and I need more practice.
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Re: Poll: Type of ATC instructions you prefer

Post by fikrikawakibi »

Yeah seems like we have the same experience...
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